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Learn Sukhasana or Easy Pose, the way we most commonly sit in yoga. Great for your core muscles, back strength and hip flexibility.
Deergha Swasam or Deep Three Part Breath is the very basic breathing technique used in most yoga practices. It is helpful to calm your nerves, clear your mind, beneficial for asthma and detoxification.
Learn how to do Revolved Easy Pose or Parivritta Sukhasana, a cross legged seated twist that benefits your digestion, relieves tension from the spine & improves your range of motion.
Lubricate your spine with flexion and extension of the spine. Energetically, the practice generates grounding at the Root Chakra. This is a darling alternative to Cat Cow in Tabletop Pose, especially if you can not put direct pressure on your knees. Also, it's a lovely technique to help you find the perfect resting place before your seated meditation. Get your first month of yoga for free online with me #freeyogaonline #theyogalily #pammedina #howtodoyogaposes
Discover proper posture and the most basic stance on yoga. Get your first month free with me online. #theyogalily #howtodoyogaposes #freeyogaonline #pammedina
Om or Aum has a powerful vibration. It is the cosmic yes to the Universe and attunes our heart, throat, and intuitive centers. Learn how we do it in my classes and feel the energetic shift. Check out my website and get your first month of yoga free online! #howtodoyogaposes #freeyogaonline #pammedina #theyogalily
Learn Downward Facing Easy Pose, AKA, the Cross Legged Seated Forward Fold. In Sanskrit it is Adho Mukha Sukasana. This pose stretches your hips and lower back. It's an excellent pose to prepare for meditation, as it trains your body to be able to sit cross legged more comfortably for longer periods of time.
Pelvic Rotation is a scrumptious yoga technique that relieves back pain, stiff hips, stimulates digestion and balances our Root & Sex Chakras. Plus, it feels great!
Discover the deep release Seated Side Stretch gives you. It opens the space in your thoracic spine, allowing greater lung capacity. You'll feel a nice extension from your outer hips up to your armpits (at least). It's also a wonderful warm up for Triangle & other side bending poses.
I just started to build this page, there is sooo much more to come!
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